Had I Known

Had I known I would've run.
A thousand years of rain and sun.
The petrichor, the roads paved with memories,
Of pain past and Chinese whispers.
Had I known, I would've run from you,
and yet here I am,
In a kingdom of thorns,
and needles, and
Had I known.
I wouldn't be here.
And yet,
Had I known,
I'd be alone.
And I couldn't survive that.

Hello, this is maria speaking.

I'm gay and I eat gay babies, and I love gay stuff.

Haha, lesbian rights!!! I want a world where all straight marriage is abolished and gay people rule everything!! Gay pride!!! xD

On a more serious note, GAY!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAA. Follow for more gay jokes. Au revoir, madame Araignée.