i dont wanna be dramatic but

i dont wanna be dramatic but.. 

sometimes i feel like im broken

i feel like im walking around with a huge crack, a huge split that roots and rots from my heart and slowly creaks and cracks across my body

sometimes i just want to scream
i want my skin to melt 
i want to be a puddle in the ground seeping deeper and deeper into the dirt 

hoping that when i have reached deep enough in the dirt that i reach totally nothingness

sometimes i just want to pick on my chest and keep picking and picking until i bleeds and it gets deeper and deeper until i can pull my heart out
and i want to hold my heart in my hand 
seeing it beat and seeing that it isnt actually broken

but why does it feel that way? why does it hurt

and then it rots to black and i reach a numbness where i cant feel pain anymore

right now i can hear it beating 
a pulsating all over my body and with every beat is spreads this short lingering pain

like /beat/ hurt .. its slightly gone and then beat
it hurts again

a constant beating pain that shakes me and makes me fragile

it makes me tired

it makes me want to crawl in bed

it wants to envelop me so i cant move so i can constantly feel that way

i keep looking at my hands hoping it will tell me what to do but i know it cant 

i can see them shake and when i see them shake i breathe faster and faster and faster  until the rest of the world is black like nothing around me exists and this whole time ive been in an alternate reality

like ive been living another life 

and someone taps on my shoulder and its sunny and i smile 

and i realise this life was just a nightmare

then i close my eyes and open them

look at my hands again try and tell myself what is real and what isnt

sadly everything is real

sometimes i feel so i numb i twitch my head back
as if to snap me out of it
as if there is something behind me that will tell me that everything is ok

all of these things i feel and i keep hoping the pain is going to get so intense that it reaches a climax and it doesnt hurt anymore

but when the intensity starts, peaks and drops, the hurt doesnt go away, it just lingers there in the numbness of everything

i was tossing and turning last night, in a dream, it wasnt a nightmare

but it was me screaming
youre depressed again youre depressed again youre depressed again 
it kept screaming at me until i got up

and i woke up to my heart in my mouth

the anxiety took over 

i got up peed and forced myself back to sleep.

i guess im depressed again

i know im stronger than this

but it gonna be a painful and lonely ride 

i hate talking to people about it

people who truly dont understand 

who would brush it off like its not real

like all of my feelings are not real

but they are real 

the pain is real

the beating is real

the screams are real

the lack then snap back into reality is real

the never ending darkness is real

im not crazy

youll just never understand
and i guess that is why i'm so lonely 

omg another feeling i have is that my body is so heavy in sadness that my arm will just fall off

on a side side note #justdepressionthings

I was talking to my friend and giving her relationship advice and I was like that she has to remember that her partner isnt perfect like how she isnt perfect. if she expects her partner to accept her flaws she needs to accept his

and i said "look i've met myself and im crazy"

She: "what? haha you "met yourself" U sure!?

me; um yeahhhh

she: how, how can you meet yourself ?

me: um THERAPY ?

we had a gud laf about it #mentalillnesses