- clean room
- read the rest of 1984
- read the picture of dorain gray
- read a clockwork in orange
- read a spy in the house of love
- have a lock in where all i do is paint for 3 days (visitors allowed but no going out, perfect time if broke!)
- Craft day with jess (cutting our shirts and customising second hand dresses)
- sign up for amnesty international
- design a shirt for amnesty international
- go chet faker
- go splendour!!
- get a piercing (nose or extra ears)
- party
- get really really raelly really unblieveably durnnkk
- have a sleepover at brits
- stay a carlas house and roam the forrest around her house drunk
- drive drive drive
- empty our closet (donate or sell?)
- open an ebay account
- gym everyday!
- drink more water
- use up all film in new kodak camera
- go bar hoping at
- frankies pizza
- palmer & co
- Grandma's bar
- (keep in mind i dont know here these places are)
- baxter inn
- stitch bar
- go to at least 3 vinyl stores with eeh
- go clubbing at least twice
- watch game of thrones
- watch breaking bad
thats all i can think of right now
trapped in a rotting body on a dying planet in a mysterious dimension controlled by an unknown force