
You know what I want? I want to have that feeling where you're so effortlessly happy because everything just comes together. When you take a breath and step back and you find the sun to be a bit brighter and the sky's clearer and you can breathe easier. I would love that so much. My life is okay though. I'm noticing I'm not sad and I don't feel alone and it's wonderful. LOL I'm too greedy though, I want more. I want more things to go right. Ugh. But who cares, I'm content. Maybe more than that, I don't know.

Man, I wanted to say something else, and I remember it sounded really nice in my head. Okay, I'm gone.

Such a nice day out in California, the sand is cold, the wind cuts, and I want to smoke the ocean, so salty, so wide. I need to get out of this town. The tide is rising, and I don't think it'll stop. I've measured it, an inch every half hour, that's not natural. I'm calling my mother, I'll live with her back in Hong Kong. Yes, a plan. I love plans. Now what?

LOL We should be studying, Maria!!!!!!

But isn't it just bliss, sitting, and talking, and sitting, and talking. The sun is setting, you can't see it, but you can see it reflect off a window of a tall building and I just looked straight into it. I can't see. 

Also, read this extract from The Velveteen Rabbit, you know Chandler's fave book?


Ain't it beautiful? Also, follow the blog hahahah. Do it.

I want to kick love right in its gut
Beat it and leave for dead
Wash my hands in the river
Lie down and die in your bed” - 
Ryan Adams, What Sin Replaces Love?