heavy & wicked

Brit says that a lot

shes so cool

and nice

and sweet

like seriously

i dont know if shes only nice to me cause she wants to be my friend or if shes naturally this nice to many people

the other day before my education exam she invited me to the white house to have lunch and meet some of her friends

it was really fun, honestly i dressed myself up a bit for the occasion, whipping out the red lippy and eye liner

(when i appeared she said "aw you look cute" hehehe RESULT)

she invited jackson as well

i hope these people become my uni friends they are really cool

a trend im noticing is that  all the boys are sciencey and maths and engineering majors

while the girls (they are dating) are artsy chicks

hardcore how cute

i grabbed some nachos and a beer, brit just grabbed a beer

ok they were ciders but they were so delish!! i had like a blackcurrent one i think, i dont know but it gave me a warm feeling and it was nice and SUPER EXPENSIVE!

so i met one girl and two guys, they were all in higher years than us
the next day i met another guy who was a brother of a guy i met the day before

he does science and loves chemistry, his brother does environmental engineering

they all like in the shire which is a bummer cause theyre all so far away and they can just easily cut me out if i do eventally become friends with them

man seriously ill tell you how cool they are



they are having a themed party called "Christmas in september" where everyone dresses up in Christmas clothing (what an amazing idea)

one guy planned to paint himself back and come as coal
and someone else wanted to be cookies and milk

all very cute

and the maths dude called, like, bo or something (he was asian, *gasp*)

said he wanted to go as a pirate, nothing christmassy as a joke

which seems like something i would do

and then..

brit was discussing with this other guy that.. they should all dress up as pirates

they are going to get the whole party into it, making them all dress up as pirates to make that bo guy cry hahahahah how funny!!!

i feel a bit awks cause im like aww this party sounds so blooming fun!!!!

dw, in a few months ill be their bestFRIENDS HAW HAW HAW


but yeah, brit invited me to the gig of these people called (sticky fingers)

i think theyre rather good plus the lead singer looks like jimmy page! pwar!!

but yeah, if i do become good friends with them, i want to intro the other unsw peeps to them so we can understand what our future years are like cause the girl i met is also doing arts and education and she gave me a lot of helpful tips shes real nice and she reminds me of me cause she came in shouting and when her guy (who she is dating) came in she immediately yelled at him and made him pay for her stuff (but didnt you know, like she took it back)

im so jealous, i wish i were them

theyre so nice

and brit is just so nice

i can

shes so pretty

and ugh



and we are going to go see the pretures


mannnnn, i shouldnt be envious, thats like the worst relationship ever haha

oh and the exam was fucken hard, and i get an extension on one of my essays fuck ye

what else

oh after the beer day 

i met with Davidson and Andrew who just had lab and flaunted their lab coats down the main unsw walkway, what cuties, it was hard to miss them, but drew pussied out and took it off

i asked him if i could wear it

and he said yeah

then i said i was going to put my leather jacket outside of it to look hardcore

and he said i couldnt wear it anymore LOLOLOL

oh and i hung out with sue, i got some moscato which was shitty and she put make up on my
i dont realllllyyyy think it suits me but whatev

i fee like a gold digger

yeah i was talking to sue right

and i was telling her about the white shire mates

and then i was like

"Im finally making friends!!"

and i paused and she paused

and then we burst out laughing


so ja

thats all thats been happening in my life
oh i am excited for english cause i get to study this short story which is so fucking racist, like ommg

its so insane

but yeah

haw haw

oh ineed to get my shit together

i wasnt planning to blog anymore thhis month but i realy wanted to show you guys the sticky fingers song, its kinda fit for everyone am i right? its rather catchy, plus the pirate  joke is hilarious 

 His face was not of that brown rusty black which most of that nation are, but of perfect ebony, or polished jet. His eyes were the most awful that could be seen, and very piercing; the white of 'em being like snow, as were his teeth. His nose was rising and Roman, instead of African and flat. His mouth the finest shaped that could be seen; far from those great turned lips which are so natural to the rest of the negroes.  -Oroonoko: or, The royal slave - Aphra Behn (1688)