so i will give you a tour, but first lemme show you my old rooms
< - i dont know if you can see that but the top square is my old room. how tiny it used to be and now its upgraded to the bottom half, it was already pretty crowded but yeah i was really happy!!

<- what you see before you is the upper left corner facing the door, as you can see my mirror is behind the door and i bought myself a gift being the pulp fiction poster! hahah it was on my Christmas list
now this is the bottom right handed side of my room, where i rest my head and just relax, those are my curtains by the by, the weird flowery things, and yes, beside it is my year12 formal dress hahahaha and can you spot it? the book? yep. fault in our stars bby. - >
<- my coat hanger, one of the best purchases in my life i swear to glob cause before my jackets and bags would be sprayed everywhere and my room would look like a crazy ass mess!!!!!! those shirts, yep my school shirt in which my fav people have written all over, they were the whyknee phan club, the avatar crew and most of all KIK!! (plus mark do which is kinda weird) and just photos of the past and also on the wall are my fav pictures of anarchy [click me]
^^^ my favourite part of my room ^^^^^
did i forget to mention that i recently got an imac, again thx fam for lyke spoiling me and whatnot, then again its kind of a late 17th birthday gift, late x-mas gift and early 18th birthday gift so ya
Now lets ZOOOOM in --------------->
That is what you'll find on the top of my tv!! my dad worked for this one guy who had a shit load of books and gave them to my dad and well he gave em to me, i printed out me kodaks and framed the, what you see is jens and i and "the sex" luv u guise. you see the clock? yeah i got it from the markets for like $2 its so pretty, the bird cage was a 16th gift? ya 16????? and inside it the gift i got from ems, the baubull or something ;) OH and the flowers, again formal!! haha the one bobs got me, theyre still strong woo!
What you see here
is my currently fav shelf!
out of all the kodaks that was my favourite picture for it was so paradisey and well, beaut, the awesome 4some fuck yeah, the roses and vase if from my mums friend, she apparently likes me cause i always compliment her flowers! HOW COULD I NOT!? look at them! the picture behind is something i drew and the books are my sherlock, jane austen and Popular penguin collection :)))
[larger image]
Yeah i think thats all ive got to say about my dope room, im lovin it and yeah, its really organising my studies and what not
peace out mofos
What's That..? (I may be paranoid, but not an android) -Paranoid Android by Radio Head