I think this is my all time fav album of the year tbh. it was stunning any one who has not listened to this is stupid and have to do it now. it is super bluesy and super chill. its something you would hear in a sound track of your dreams. i could always go back to it when i do not know what to listen.
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Song of the album
Sooth Lady Wine
I am very suprised about childishs change in music. like compared to his old stuff- this album is like he is another person. ut i always kinda knew he was like this? i kind o,f wished he pulled a snoop lion type of name change so fans c an dissasssosiate him with his oold brand you know? i was really into the abum when i first listened to it. album cover- yes. funk vibes- yes. i hoping funk music comes back as seen in Kendrick - to pimp a butterfly
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Song of the album
Songs are good. I was never really a beyonce album fan but i was really imporessed. i didnt like her previous suprised album cause it just wasnt me. but lemonade was really impressive. i liked most songs. all making me sexy and empowered.
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Song of the album
All night
VERY slow. not really arty vibes like his last album. i def listened to it again and again throughout this year. i remember first listening to it i fell asleep- not from boredom but relaxation. its one of those albums you listen at random and then there is one intimate part of a song that just absolutel captures you. and you have to keep repaying it.
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Song of the album
Self Control
life of pablo
Such a banger. much loved. it may be my fav album- but telluric and pablo defr a tie. its so fun. makes me dance. classic kanye and hate to say- but so creative and yeah i totally see that he is a genuis. he is so creative! i love it.
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Song of the album
Father Stretch my Hands Pt. 1
Def not one of my fav. it kinda comes inphases. like when i saw violent soho live i couldnt stop listening to it. and again when a song comes on the radio feel compelled to listen to another song from the album. like ah this song reminds me of this song. or this song comes after that song i have to listen to it! but yeah. its fun, def alternative, head banger and screaming tunes.
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Song of the album
untilited unmastered
Love. but anything kendrick i love haha! i am just so glad he came out with something else so quickly. I love how raw kendrick is. and hearing his process of making a song. his anger and passion makes me happy and its so dope! i love him!!!
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Song of the album
Untitles 08 90.06.2014