Bullshit // Thrillhouse // hpy bday e

Yes i have almost reached the end of this semester.

lets talk courses

gifted and talented education
i dont care for it

a pain and i hope i dont fail, a lot of people i know claim that it is the hardest course they did

animals monsters machine
v good tutor and topics, horrid class, this weeks class was a nightmare, it was hilarious

multi-media performance
hate, last class today: YAY

ok so i have 4 more assignments to do for each course


When eeh bobs and i went to go see violent soho, planned to see both dune rats and dz death rays as well, but sadly we only got to see the last 3 songs of dune rats, but they played bullshit, a song i am so keen on just cause the video clip looks so fun

sometimes i wish i could go to parties like this. The closest would be seeing people like this in splendour, i love rock music, its just so fun in the crowed 


omfg the mosh pit was pre bad (by bad i mean a good baad) when this song came on everyone went wild and as did i. honestly i dont really vibe with dz deathrays when i listen to them online, but the second you see them live, its amazing

finally the good old violent soho, so good. i was mainly singing to bobs and sam cause we lost eeh in the crowed. but when the last two songs came. the bangers like "like soda" came on, it was fate to have eeh come back to us. seeing him appear between the white people, i pushed myself in to pull him out.

me bobs and eeh just yelled the lyrics. i had so much fun/ like one of the best gigs. you know what, its probs the best thing i saw at enmore. thinking back when i went to go see sticky fingers, i feel kinda bummed cause i wasnt really into the mosh. but this time. i knew all the bands!! and we got to watch someone do a shoe-ey

that was fucking interesting and gross, but amongst a  crowed like that, you feel like you are gonna die, but every inch of your heat, knows the song and its just so electric 

ive noticed that i kinda hang out with stirctly bobs and eeh often.. hmm what a strange combo but it makes sense kinda...? like when we went to chanelles? hmmm

anyways, happy birthday eeh, the male version of me lol