So here are some pics of when bobs and i went to see greyson perry at the mca, i have chosen to upload these pics because..
I loved the way he did the sky in this one. He is well known for his vases but i much prefer his tapestry, i wanted the sky as a reference for when i start painting

I chose this picture because, i dont know if many of you know but the skull keychain... i LEGIT BOUGHT THE EXACT SAME OE FOR BOBS BIRTHDAY A FEW YEARS BACK. i was standing there looking at this beautiful piece of work and then i saw the skull and tried to hold in my burst of laughter because.... (story time!!) the first day i gave bobs the keychain he was trying to put it on or something or it fell out of his hand when he was waiting for the green light to go to cross the road. When it fell on the floor the light when green and he had the cross and her didnt have time to pick it up and all he could do was kick it to the other side of the road. Like in the first few days of receiving this gift. i just found it hilarious

i chose this one cuase it thought it was cute cause it was really embarrassing to take this pic

i love bobs shirt against the rich tapestry
so i was going through the amount of views that i got for this blog and i realised that one of the most frequent post of this month is this (x)
Im such a douche but also lol i love these soongs i do still suggest them today, even alice practice, but i think plenty of peeps think its bobs ring tone...
im thinking of writing personal essays, what do you think?
(what is a personal essay you ask, well google states:The personal essay is often a free-wheeling device of self-expression. If you ever want to experiment with prose and with loosened structure, this is where you can do it. isnt learning fun?)
Yeah, tbh i am a very self involved person and i feel like i have a pretty eventful life, so yeah what do you think? its like a blog post but in essay format
i wanna be and artist
i love adventure time to much it is so beautiful, its beginning to over power my love for Daria as best cartoon i watch.
Tutor 1: i am totally smitten, i have the hugest crush on him because the other day i cause, he doesnt lecture my course but he tutors and basically i caught him sleeping in the lecture and during the tut i was like "did you have a good nap?" and he looked to embarrassed mmm
Tutor 2: i hate him and i had a very horrible and awkward encounter with him. Basically he looks like a stick ant, he loves to swear, hes a hard marker, he yells, and he seems very mean. Basically he failed one of my papers and i met up with him so i can talk about the essay im gonna write to i can see if in going in the right direction. The only reason why i got to meet up with him is because he is so horrid at replying to emails that i sat outside of the arts faculty doors waiting for him to hopefully pass.
and he did, and i was like io, PAUL. and he looked up like whotf this bitch and i was like "hello mister i dont like to reply to my emailed" and he looked really dumbfounded but i pisseddddd. AND so he was like lets have a meeting now blah blah blah.
A few minutes into advice i realised that i should be writing this down and i lean over to find my book and pen, but then i realised that i couldnt find my pen.
aggressively shifting through my bad i was like fuck im so sorry hold on
and then i grab something which felt like a pen and i prop my head up quickly and triumphantly and i hit my head on his filing cabinet, we were like shit at the same time and he asked if i was ok and i was like yeah and i wanted to die. and then i looked down.. and it was lip liner....
so i was like can i have a pen and it was horrible and i never want to be around him again.
bye, oh and i quit coke, the more people i tell the more obligated i feel to stop, cool, ok, bai
Here's a pic of Collin