anyone miss me? prob not cause no one reads this think HA :(
i want to dye me hair BLUE~~~~~
it look awesome but i cant pull it off im too dark oh well
ive been listening to a song called "BTSTU" by Jai Paul
its so awesome it like hipster sex
the first comment i saw was "i liked this song before it was made"
true tumblr comedy aye?
i spent my day at an src conference, met these two fine ladies "cassie and Kimberly" hottest asians i ever met, what really flattered me was they came up to me and talked to me first, see i pull in all the bitches AWWWWW YEAHHHHHH
i want to be vice so bad not captain but vice, me and bobina on the big stage YEH YEH
i guess thats all :|