i might as well make one more post before the next month of 2016 starts and i wanna start off by saying that i felt as if i have changed in some way
i do not know how to put my finger on what exactly i feel but its not good nor is it bad
i have been non-stop lately- my horrible prac, my painful semester, my lovely observation, constant christmas work, informative summer school and back into another prac! then straight back into uni. i am going to be so exhausted during mid sem break like omg- i dont want to think about what is to come but i do know i want to change my work ethic.
i dont know if i had mentioned this before but a uni mate of mine changed her work ethic to getting everything done in the week and relax strictly on weekends. though she may be cramming during the other days off the week- you really need time to yourself which i am trying to focus on this year
i really am wokring on my wellbeing. my room is clean for one LOL
and i want to keep it that way as well as my car- i am very excited for responsibility
also with prac i want to start eating healthy- i want to think about me and only me right now
i want to work hard this year
i want to be happy
i want to be sane
i want to be responsible
i want to just want to be selfish
i really hope i get my goals- im thinking of trying to be trim (kim) for my 21st cause technically im in my prime [SADLY] so yeah might as well try to feel it-
step 1. no coke
step 2. no maccas
step 3. no junk food
and ill be half way there
ok i love you all. good night. please let this year and upcoming month be good to me
There has been an influx of blog posts and it makes me wanna blog i guess, i had a vietnamese ive coffee at like 11:30 and i deeply regret it, my mind is buzzing but too tired to concentrate!
so i spent my time cleaning my room, burning candles and making goals for 2016
FOr now lets gave a look at my diary, one of my favourite things i own, just reading it gives me chills, its literally the backdrop of my relationship with andrew, it was started in late 2012, my coming of age and every section i read its slightly about andrew its so weird
anyways enough about him
here were my new years resolution for 2013
in case you cant read it
read more
keep more secrets
be me
dont brag
love yourself
stop hating yourself
be confidents
stop comparing yourself to others
draw more
be creative
stop caring what people think
less coffee more tea (LOL)
open mind
love what you have, love family
dont get attracted too quickly, stop trusting
show my body and love it
stop mumbling
drink more water
wear more lipstick
judge people on my terms
learn how to be alone
avoid phone
ive gotta say its a pretty solid list, but im so sure i havent completed many of these, more of these came naturally with age but yeah, the most interesting one would probably be the lipstick one and the "dont get attracted". I wore so much lipstick in 2012, i never didnt have a red lip
by atracted i mean not like have the hots for a guy but rather
i am very trusting in the beginning of a relationship with anyone and my heart is easily broken if i hear youve done something to be LOL
lets move on to 2016 goals, not resolutions, goals
im pretty sure you are able to read the list but ill write it down just in case
perfect coffee making
read 12 books
save mulla- basically save a grand
make $100 selling clothes
finish 3 canvas paintings
perfect a dish
understand male anatomy
blog 3 times a month
everyday past due date $100 penalty
i feel like when i have resolutions- i will never do it so i am trying to work on skills i already have, also i didnt want to be vague like "drink more water" because how would i really know?
thats why im trying to have an actual end result you know?
pls help my find a dish to perfect?
for far what i know that i have perfected is whipping cream, egg whites and the occasional lemon m pie, and i used to make some pretty good chicken (w/ sweet chili and soy sauce)
also i going to be flexable with the coffee one, i just want to make a good coffee haha
read 12 books, basically one a month
mulla- trust me im so bad at it, i blame having a boyfriend- hes hungry all the time like fuk
3 paintings- just paint goals, practice makes perfect- i also wanna start selling my art (hmmm new goal?)
the male anatomy i wanna focus on cause im sooooo bad at drawing men!
sell $100 of my clothes, my cupboard is so fucking full- i have major regrets during my t-shirt phase. i have so many fucking shirts. I really wanna sell them, maybe do it with a couple of m8's? thatll be fun
blog more than 3 times a month cause why not?
and im really bad at giving in assignments on time SOOOOOOOOOOO im giving myself a penalty LOL
so thats my commentary one my goal list
what goals do you guys have?
ive been spending so much time with these guys
sometimes i feel like a family
she so lovely a stunner i want her -she's so lovely - scouting for girls