Dear 15 Year old me

Dear 15 year old me,
I'm really fucking glad you wrote this letter, i was mindlessly going through out memory box and stumbled upon a letter in caps reading "READ THIS IN 2015", it was eerie because i completely forgot about you.

Anyway, Right now i am 20 years old, in my third year at UNSW and tomorrow you have a Critical Theory research task due at 12 pm (technically 11:59). I don't know why youre taking the HSC, was it because it was the last year you can drop out in grade 10? And don't worry past self, I'm not studying either- you haven't changed at all have you? 

Your favourite drink is still coke actually, and no honey Vodka is not nice. Can i just say i am really glad that you did not start making youtube videos, although a part of me wishes that i had, i'm glad i didn't, maybe i would have a shitty biography by now!

I still eat junk food, but fancy junk food, we are what we call a "foodie" where we spend $30 on meals that look aesthetically pleasing. And yes- i agree you didn't have any freedom but it changes in 2 years and onwards, just be patient- now you go out almost everyday (mum and dad aren't happy haha)

No No you still haven't moved out and not with bobs haha. I can't believed i used the term SABFF (it means super awesome best friend forever, not for life, but forever) 

No you haven't taken up pole dancing but you still plan to

Holy shit i was 49??? honey now you're 65! and don't worry- you are no longer an A cup but lets stop right there. Congrats you have grown but honey boobs aren't everything 

So now you have a boyfriend, yes you have kissed- and again i'll stop right there.

Guess what 15 year old self, you are in uni and yes you are studying teaching. I didn't know i had this ambition at such a young age. 

No you haven't spoken to Lucy nor Claudia for ages and hold shit why was Cameron such a significant part of my life? thats embarrassing 

I've only been in one relationship and you still love the Beatles.

Just reading "autotune TUH!" and "witty lyrics" - you were really pretentious, now you love music that makes you happy, no matter the sound, no matter the lyrics- as long as it made you happy.

The music today consists of EDM, deep house and you really love Kendrick Lamar- but i am obsessed with songs from 1990-2008

Yes you hated dad and yes mum was a tight arse but you were 15!

Oh god my obsession of John Lennon- my obsession of charlieissocoollike!

I still draw, you've gotten much better- heres a quick sketch you did the other day

You stopped watching vampire diaries
Community and HIMYM are finished
and Modern Family is still very good

Limewire- i haven't heard of that in a very long time, 
honey in a year you get your first mac and now you have 3, an ipad and an iphone 6!

FOXTEL??? wtf 2010 

I found the corn joke really funny by the way

How i feel about kids? NO I AM NOT HAVING THEM AT A YOUNG AGE THANK YOU VERY MUCH, you have very different ambitions right now so no

Victor now has a little brother named Vincent 

Yes Saphearak is in year 12 and how dare you say he was fat and ugly (you are very proud of him and his massive weight loss) not to mention Marcel is in year 7 not 8

Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard? You meet her in the flesh by the way and we don't have presidents- we have prime ministers (AND TONY ABBOTT IS PRIME MINISTER)

Thank you again, it really was a joy to read this letter, i'm glad i was procrastinating

p.s. "i'm dirty" OH GOSH, and formal is coming up? You win Miss Drama queen by the way and you didn't end up going to Cameron's concert.. you cried that night

Don't be a hardrock 
When you're really are a gem

Ass Sweat a trilogy

Hi, my name is Maria Chan and my hobbies include going through old facebook pictures. It took me forever to find this particular 3

Everyone noticing the ass sweat

Dat judging the circumference of the ass sweat

Andy Quach also noticing the ass sweat 

How I feel rn

I just do not want to be here right now

Something died inside about becoming a teacher

I don't want to try anymore

I just want to quit

Get money

And travel

Semester break 2015 Part 1 - before splendour

OK so ive had this blogpost up for ages, it went by many names beginning with "Dear Andrew" because i was going to publish when Drew was gone (now that he is back i cant believe that i lasted 35 days without him, golly gosh i wuv dat loser) 

Well as i uploaded these picture i put them in the wrong order so this picture post is going to be going backwards in time.

So before splendour began apparently i hung out with Jahmika and Chet

Let us start


So i went out with chet and jahmika, we went into sex shops and ate marys and n2, it was really fun and oh so throwback. Im really glad i went out of my way to see them again 

This was the point when i realised that i god out a lot and spend a lot of money

why do i have to be a foodie

I spent my day with my mum- she wanted to learn how to take selfies

I wanted to take photo of food and she was like "take a photo of me too!!!'

fucking loser narcissist

Spent my day with bobs, we went to go get drunk in newtown and it was delish holy shit i dont know what this is but fuck it kept making me eat mo

I went macq centre with jess and collin and i asked to get my brows done, she did it so dark!!


OH yeah jess collin hellen and i went to go eat

i dont know why wtf

but it was real good (wtf is with me and brunch???)

Went clubbing with jess, collin, danny, dalz and other people who i didnt really talk too
i got pretty turnt, it was fun
the best thing about clubbing is going home 
in a not anti-social way- but like

sitting in jessica car, windows rolled down and wind hitting my face,
my makeup smudged and im all sweaty

brain numbed from dancing

best part of the night (well.. morning :))

M8s for 7 years and he still doesnt know i hate him lol

So youre gonna see a burst of photos from the white is the colour of the end shoot



Another shoot but in hornsby

what a bae (lol im talking about me)


fuckn ugly cunt




im way too girls for myself sometimes


Over view of out meal and coffees :3

This was sweet- we all shared it was da yumz 

i went to my cousins birthday
hes such a brat

im very proud of him

we went for brunch again at reuben hills, a girl who was in one of my courses (and who i saw at spelndour) works here


tryna look cool

sun was in my eyes

this was amazing good

OH yeah i took boobs to luna park cause hes never been

we went to the museum before that

the only photo i took

This was the exact day that andrew left and i was so sad i forced bobs to hang out because i didnt want to be aloone

we went to go find something to eat

wine and fish and chips for only $20

OK NOW WE GET TO where andrew was home

we went to the museum before he left because (it was my day)

so this was me and andrews day out

we wen 2 da park

i found a really long chip


her mona



i love u ur so cute

how deeply i missed him

this is a video of me pretending to listen in class today

i felt like i shouldve uploaded this before i forgot because i ususalyy doooooooo


I took a deep sweet breath, and I reached into

 my head

Gave him what I had left

At that moment I dispersed

all day - kanye