Do you remember the time

Is it Twenty-Fifteen Already?
Oh What a year.

Huynh became 19 and i spent the whole night crying and supporting a poor eyebrow game, what was i thinking?

The moon was bright asf and drew and i wanted to be tourist 

2 xmas gifts on the beach, a lot of dead seagulls that day

beach again, the sky was paradise, that is why i love coogee, the sunsets there are always spot on

You dont wanna know


matching flowers

Valentines Day in Canberra, all i remember was that it was cold and patchy

first time flip out

first time model

 Mars Chan

good times, that was a great yet hectic night, i think that was the angriest ive ever been


STIFI, v cheap and v great night


nineteen bitch

more nineteens and more crying

being andrews muse

first time Marys YASSSSS!

taking eeh to see jeson deulo, nothing was better then the disappointment in his face


shitty uts party, purple elephant and disrespectful white people but fun white people who were cute and well dressed

fashion frenzy with my mum which was weird LOL, i look cute there :$

Made Tacos with the boys, idk why thats here but it made me happy i guess

90's bitch

got my eyebrows done for the first time... i didnt like it

over my dead body! Chet would be by far the best person i saw live! mainly because he provides new material, it was magical and just shined talent

Diki's party, i miss her dearly and i wish i was sober for that night damn lol

looking for dikis house and got lost in the amazon whoops!

mandarin picking like wuuutttt this picture is spot on

drunk bae, nothing better than being sober and watching andrew throw up on grass and dance like a russian


professional caking

Fish finger kinda night

that one time we saw a wild kangaroo and watched the stars

splendour in the selfie 

luv dis

Exploring and finding the dune, im so glad hes in my life

Work party minus all the staff except me, sam and jess, oh and plus all of sams friends and friends of friends

First time settling into my new room

breaking into my new home and dancing whilst drunk asf

getting our flame on whilst getting sober

Listen out the very next day

And watching and being reunited with Dan the day after that

Renting a boat and finding our haven 

Driving the boat and killing my friends

work party again, oh sam

First time Ramen Burger

First time Magnum w/ rose petals


Theatre ;), getting to work in a theatre space rules

awks outfit clash :/

no, we were the sculptures by the sea~ we are art and beauty 

Surprise Nancy and tmi with Julie

Being andrews muse and it actually being successful

Peace in my gesture and Peace in my mind

I felt young again (i know i am but you get the point)

I felt the beauty in the world

I felt my need to be healthy

I felt connected

I felt loved

i felt loveddd ;)

Now i feel a new yeear

New experiences

More smiles

More beauty

More Music

and more laughter

Although i saw pain and death in the new year, i also see myself growing

i hate growing, it scares me

happy belated 2015 post, i love you