So for breakfast today i had
- cereal
- milk tea
- a single slice of toast with butter
i really need to stop doing that, depending on other people
i dont mind depending on one certain person because they depend on me too
but i feel like im adding pressure on people who don't need it
i think during the study period i am going to focus on myself, and my family as well as my studies
i really want to get back on a diet, and by diet i mean just eating healthy
i can really feel the bad food now and i miss being less bloated LOL
i am meant to be studying but i just wanted to blog before i go out
i am going to go to customs
i really hope i get a car, i really hate depending on wynee for her car for gym, i mean she doesnt need me to drag her down, i must really be a pain sometimes
i also need a car for teaching, i am going to go, for a full 4 weeks, to a school to teach
holy shit i am actually going to become a teacher
its scary
anyways am really a horrible and selfish person, my family really does not deserve to have me around
- i am never around
- i am not helping with the new house
- i complain
- i buy food but never eat it and waste money
- my rooms a fucking mess
im just really bad
oh also, i really need to stop bitching, holy fuck, its all i do now... i took a step back and i felt sour, i keep trying not to but i keep letting my mouth run
yep another issue i have
i let my mouth fucking run, i am not trustworthy man fuck
i need to fix myself
also, everything feels surreal, nothing feels like home anymore you know
i used to feel safe in my room but now i just feels like another place to sleep
sleep has been hard due to the heat
and the mess
once saturday hits i am going to pack and shit yeah
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
ok ok okokokokokookookokokokkokookookk
no more complaining, lets do my work
emily dickinson and edith wharton here i come
you get that look in your eyes and im done
that look - flume