I wrote another short story

2 Worlds

Feeling her fingers intwine into mine sends me into a whirlpool of bliss. Her soft skin against mine, the feel of her lips, the curve of her smile, the gleam of her teeth are the only thing keeping me breathing, yet she leaves me breathless.

 Wrapped under our sheets i could stay here forever, in her warmth, our warmth. Eventually we have to leave, we have to eat, work, do something, but for now this is forever. I hate leaving, i hate leaving our world.

 The streets were cold and out stomaches empty, it was finally the time to leave our home in search for food. I hated being outside. It was dreadful. I would watch her and it killed me.

The solitary pale face, the detached gaze, balled fist and pursed lips. How i wanted to hold her and let her fingers melt into mine. But i would of only made her, them, angry. The air is cold, she is cold.

Home at last, it greets me with open arms and a kiss. She holds me and the heat is back. I rather starve then lose this woman, the woman i love.

She holds me tighter and her breath says sorry into my ear. Its Ok. I understand. My heart sinks and i try and hold her tighter.

Suffocating in affection we hold each other for that moment longer trying to forget, trying to be the only two people in the world.

She kisses me again, withdrawing from out embrace. Sliding her fingers across my palm she holds my hand to her face and kisses me once more, slipping on a ring.

"We can pretend" she says with a smile, i watch the ring on my left hand, second finger, for now we are the only people in the world, in each others worlds, our worlds. (hint they are lesbians) 

Holden Caulfield, has become an icon for teenage rebellion

So for the past few months or so i suppose i have been reading CATCHER IN THE RYE

i love the book dearly, i think it has to be my favourite, i never really had a favourite book but this is a winner

it is a saturday and the second last week of school has finished

it hasnt effected me i tell myself

or has it?

a twinge of teenage rebellion has hit me recently and i dont know why

is it the fact ive been good at school and i feel like its time to change that?

is it Holden Caulfield because i now want to model my life after him

Everything he says i feel like i understand, his conversation with sally, saying all those things about leaving
and that he truly meant it

i understand dearly

i tend to say things to people with optimism and they look at me kinda funny and i realise what i just said is extremely unrealistic and so i say jokes

And when he keeps mentioning he is so very lonesome and he just wants someone to talk to oh how i understand and when they dont listen and call him immature! i just understand so dearly!

when he talks about Allie and James Castle it breaks my heart

it was a fantastic book

So anyways lets talk about my rebellion

On Sunday a mate of mine sister got married and a number of mates went to the wedding

it sounded smashing and i was jelly

i wanted to party

i felt so locked and isolated while i sat in my bed
so lonesome

so i just realised that i wanted out of this boring mundane life

so started wearing my clothes different and wearing the wrong shoes at school
i know that isnt "badass" or anything but i kinda wanted to be told off

so anyway it was a tuesday and i DID NOT want to go home

i know that i would just sit there and do nothing but stare blankly at my fucking laptop and wasting my life away i wanted to be a little wild, rebel

i said FUCK THIS

and decided to hang wit tha boiz

Danny, Eeh, DOOF and i walked to canley hoping to go skate boarding but the dilemma is

we didnt have a skateboard so we were talking about what we should do

soon we realised we were right beside a liquor store

so we went to eeeeeees house so he could get dressed

hung out a bit

then off we went

we didnt know where to drink but we were

i guess

kinda desperate

someone had a lovely idea and we went to davids house

at his house we had a nice drink and sorta partied

it was really fun, snez stopped by it was great

and so i went home

my dad was PISSED cause i forgot my phone that day and i claimed i was locked out

i could tell he was waiting until my mother got home to tell me off

when she  did he was bitching about me to her and she said

cause i planned myself

that i called her, well tried to, through a friends phone

and thats enough trust from her

so i completely got away with everything

that was such a fun day

Thursday came along and i was dreading to go to maths

luckily the counsellor wanted to see me!

YAY I WAS FREE for a period

then after our session i was going back to class but saw trinhity at the corner of my eye

RUTHLESS i exclaimed as we began to chat

i sat there for about 5 more minutes until Michael and Fadi appeared and stroke up a conversation

they persuaded me not to go and so i spent a whole period not in maths
one of the best decisions of my life

the same thing happened the week before

i was off at counsellor

(wait let me just tell you about how much of a bitch my stupid fucking art teacher is, the counsellor called me up during her class twice and she was like "YOU CHOOSE THE SESSIONS DONT YOU" fucking bitch i fucking didnt. cunt. anyways she was like "so you seeing the counsellor?" and yeah i was like yeah and she was like "You feeling a bit stressed?" and wasnt gonna answer that nosey bitch so i just nodded and she was like "WELL THATS LIFE" fucking bitch cunt man she doesnt even know the real fucking reason just ugh i wanna slap her so nosy ok back to the rebellion story)

and while i was walking back to class Claudia, Molica and Jenny were sitting there like mermaids

calling me with their song

and letting me drown in rebellion

but i did eventually go to class

that is all i suppose

it twas a nice week

i think school ending is hitting my now

how upsetting

You're Not the First Person Who was Ever Confused and Frightened and Even Sickened by Human Behaviour -Mr Antolini From Catcher In The Rye

So i wrote a short story


We get those kinds a lot; he was ashamed I could tell. He faked his name, you can always tell when people fake it cause they give you a long pause before they tell you their “name”. And boy, did he pause.

I worked mostly night shifts there at the motel, it wasn’t bad I mean you get some odd faces here and there but it’s not bad, not at all. Its actually pretty fun, watching married men with girls young enough to be their daughters, the freaks really do come out at night.

But anyways there was this man, Benedict Cumberbatch he claimed his name was. British actor? I asked, boy he nearly shat himself when I said that. Boy was he startled. He nodded very anxious; he seemed on edge, he must have been really ashamed. 

He held only this one brief case, it didn’t seem full. He was kinda handsome, dashing almost, grey hair, strong jaw, he was attractive I’ll give him that. 

I assigned him the last vacancy left, which meant I was off the job for a while, luckily the last room, his room, was right across the staffs room. I don’t know I guess I was kinda bored, intrigued almost, I mean he was kinda suspicious, how could you not? I mean he left the curtains open and everything. 

I was about 10 minutes in from when he entered the room, curtains opened and everything, as if he was suspecting an audience. He seemed less tense sitting on the mattress, he positioned this long mirror at an angle to his bed, I could see almost everything. He definitely was putting on a show.

He looked so different from the counter, so relaxed, serine almost. Casually pulling off his clothes he stood before me, well about 20 meters away guarded by 2 windows, he stood before me in only his boxers. His body was alright, not bad but not great, pretty good legs I’ll give him that. 

The brief case was on the bed, opened wide, you wouldn’t believe it but he brought out all these women’s clothes. Real womens clothes, he pulled out a black lacy bra and slipped it on, to tell you the truth I felt kinda disgusted, boy did I feel awkward but I couldn’t look away.
After a moment he brought out these silky stockings, rolling it on to himself in front of the mirror, muttering to himself, giving himself flirty kisses to the mirror. It wasn’t even funny, it was kinda sad. 

He paraded in the bra and stockings then slipped on this really tight black dress. He paused at himself in the mirror, he looked… happy. He looked even happier when he pulled out a wig. My eyebrows sky rocketed; my eyes were glued on him as he brushed it slightly and flipped on the long brunette wig. Things got a bit weird from there, putting on these large white pumps and threw on a hot pink scarf, beginning to pack on layers of make-up.

He watched himself, all finished, he watched himself. He looked like he as in a trance, he pulled the mirror in and kissed himself.
But at that point, I didn’t feel weird anymore, I felt, kinda, I don’t know, happy for the guy. He seemed so much more comfortable now than when he was at the counter, then when he sat on the bed, from when he put on the.. bra.  I know it’s a bit weird, but I felt happy too, I don’t know, boy if you saw the guy in that outfit, all confident, clopping away in those heels, that wig, you would feel happy too. 
In a way, it was kinda like, that was him, the real him. I guess he kinda wanted an audience, someone to see who he really is, and honestly I was glad to see it. Boy did he look happy. 

The next day when he checked out he was the man again, he seemed sad, lost almost. I felt sorry for the guy. But yeah, the jobs not bad, we get those types around here a lot, it’s not bad, It’s not bad at all.