Lately ive been listening to really weird songs all very different yet so alike i guess
Now i guess ill do some kinda count down thingy hahah btw you guys its my mums birthday which i didnt know HAHAH horrid daughter award goes to me! Well Lets Start this:
1. Creature Fear BON IVER
This song. Just. THIS SONG. Where has this song been all my life? Its slow then fast. The use of voice is amazing. Its SOOO calming then it gives you a rush. This song is amazing. I recommend all you indie lovers to download this song. It gave me a creative feel and i just sketched all night with this song on repeat. It reminds me of my CLAWBALLS (p.s im so sorry i didnt give you your beatles back i forgot SOOOOO SORRY) she recommended me "Skinny Love" by Bon Iver

2. Lithium NIRVANA
Ok Well i really love this songs, the lyrics mainly "im so happy i found my friends, they're in my head" it makes me just say "wow" (Cassie Moment) Thats what i love about Kurt Cobain, now HE knows how to write songs with meaning, and when he screams into the mic its just like hes unleashing his soul into song and its just moving. Reptilia by the strokes gives me the same effect (oh Julian Casablanca)

3. Alice Practise CRYSTAL CASTLES
Now the only way i can describe this song is....... Robot Sex, OK more like Robot Orgy hah. I got this song from SKINS season 2 Sid ep when his father dies and hes at the club hugging it out with Tony (love that moment). This song is just amazing so original, i didn't like it at first, but i got into dubbstep and well it went from there. I love Crystal Castle Just the idea of experimental sounds, and their over all look i guess.
Ahhhh The Beatles, my one true love. Sorry Baby that your last but your timeless, the other song i might be ver it within a week! HA! Well girl is amazing (like all Beatle songs) I dont know what album i got it from the movie "across the universe" a movie dedicated to Beatle songs. Its about the vietnam war, good movie, good movie.

I guess ill be signing out now, those were my top 4 songs, not 3, not 5, but 4, hoped you guys enjoyed and well DOWNLOAD THE SONGS JOKEEESSS! I hope you guys have a good day maybe i should so a quote of the post (not Quote of the day cause im a lazy fucker) so here is one xoxo Nostalgic