Nostalgic here,
Fun fact about me i was voted miss Drama queen at my year 10 formal
Yep thats me the 3rd last one!!! in the skimpy dress and highest heels!
Somehow someone calling me a drama queen changed my life
HOW!? honey calm down just keep on reading
it All started in year 7 yep year 7
My friend Jahmika and Isabella kept on calling me a drama queen and i took full on offence
My old password (which my friend chose out for me) was in fact was DramaQueen69
Being called a drama queen my friends suggested that i do drama as a year 8 subject i was uneasy but why not try new things?
and when i stepped into that drama class i didnt know what to expect but lovely blissfulness and a new found personality not to mention epic friends!
Isabella And i were very uneasy "Miss Kenna" a chubby white woman in black and red lipstick appeared, i was scared of her in the past, but i never really knew her.
She let us play drama games and act and that was the point where i knew i wanted to be an actress
I really want to be an actress but i honestly think i want make it OH WELL!
In drama i met great funny people
and of course my SABFF! And CLAWBALLS
Now im known as a drama queen and i dont mind i always reply in
"I AM NOT A DRAMA QUEEN! UUUGHHHH" in a very dramatic tone attracting attention to myself
who knew one word can do so many?
Ive been doing drama as a subject for 4 years now and loving ever minute of it!
We are now doing a play called the small poppies
Im a character called maria LOLOLOL