Above you will see my vision board, hullow ! I made this in 2018 and i had it up for a while but i eventually hid it cause i got a lil embarrassed
but every now and then i would whip is out again and notice my progress.
lets talk about the ticked off things
water bottle
So yes i have been drinking a fuck tonne of water, I feel like whenever i get bored at work i drink WATER. but i pee all the time, oh wells
glowy skin
yes! doing the 10 step skin care made my skin a lot more glowwwwyyy. Before my skin care i used to always get HUGE pimples that took forever to go away and would scar. but now i get itty bitty babies that go in about a few days to a week! yay (i might make a post about my skin care routine woo!)
girl out of window, group of friends on the lawn, me w/ peanut on the beach
this image was a very vague. it was just me living my best life, involving my friends. in 2019 i lost them a bit, but it wasnt anyones fault but i did notice the huge gap. we were all so busy!!!! i was def so busy. i started hanging out with my coworker which is nice. it is always so nice making new friends. a clean slate. but its really made me insecure too, cause im like omg the true me is a cunty bitch with good intentions, i hope they dont mind. wow what a tangent
ANYWAYS yes i wanted more time and fun times with friends. and it did happen yay! I have been taking peanut to A LOT of getaway houses. i am so proud of my baby when he is calm and collected. he is honestly a loveable angel. bless him.
basically how i wanted my room. and the girl in the dress next to it is the same. I def got there. i love the vibe of my room. i used to hate being in my room but now i dont want to leave it! haha
green dress
i bought the dress
the end
10,000 = ING
its so easy to save that much money when you have a full time job! so easy peasy
barefoot investor
i read it! but i stopped at one point cause it was no longer relevant. i need to find it again to read again!
went to japan with andrew! the map is technically europe! but thats gonna happen this year :)
POTTERY, technically this isnt ticked off! BUT! i did do it with bobs and it was gr8
the other ones which i did not tick are the ones that i hope i can achieve this year
i want healthier habits and eat better food
Here is my 2020 hand made vision board. this is in my bullet journal

this year i want to be more of an adult,
I want to really focus on things that will make me happier and healthier
andd.. richer
yall can read it, its pretty self explanatory
im currently workin on the printed version of it to stick in my room
ALSO i want to start blogging 3x a month again. I did it in 2018 i think and i really think its worth it. cause every time i visit my blogger and re-read things im like hey i HAVE changed and for the better, i struggle to see the good in me. and when i see my lbogger i do see the good but i also see that my sad and dark days are over. when i get sad i think, remember when i felt the same way. all pain is temporary.
but yeah love u blogger
These are the images so far
finish my accred fo dat pay rise !!
again blogging x3 a month
start bujo youtube
start an etsy
be creative again
look into buying a house
more memories
fix my fkn car!
eat like a champ!
cut down on screen time !

OK so I just found out that nancy reads my blog!!