
We all know that age old questions.
If you were to have dinner with anyone in the world who would it be? Dead or alive? Well answer changes everyday. And today its Kelis.

I don't know how but i stumbled upon a video about her cooking and ever since then i really admired her. If i were to take anyones voice it would def be Kelis. I absolutely love her. I mean i totally forgot i saw her in person performing Milkshakes at Splendour in the Grass. Her ass was massive and she looked great. her version of milkshakes was a jazzy one too she was amazing. 

But after seeing her change her life after music is very inspiring. She will always be known as the milkshake girl. But she started her own kitchen and pop up store. So here is a bit of insight of how she changed her life around.

This is one of my all time favourite songs 

I love this video clip so much. It reminds me of saturday mornings, watching tv making my own breakfast and waiting for mum to come home.