Helen Morgendorffer - You’re worried about your fathers behaviour
Daria - Look, I understand him
Helen - Really?
Daria - But he might be a little “off putting” to someone who
is not um... “Blood-related.” They might not appreciate his um “-energetic”
reactions to certain stimuli.
literally every conversation my mum and i have about my dad
Do not praise kids by calling them smart, praise them for their hard word
Patience is very important, if you were patient when you were younger you are more likely to handle pressure well, if you didnt, you are more likely to have behavioural disorders
Bribing kids to do work or giving them rewards is really negative, sure it works and is easier, it wont help the child in the long run, theyre more likely to not try hard and have really short term goals, in reality, it wont make them work hard, it makes them work for the time being.
i just had a moment to myself
coming off that train
walking home
i couldnt stop thinking and i didnt know why, its was like a clutter of white noise
i stared into the sky and a rainbow appeared from black clouds, ending in a blue sky
i dont know if you could see what i saw, i didnt want to take a photo because i wanted to remember it, not stare at it for so long it is no longer beautiful
i am a feminist
we were discussing it in class and i felt this burn, i felt my head nodding, but i didnt say anything, i dont know why, but man was i an enraged woman.
I cant explain, im replaying the conversation in my head and one of the girls in my class was so strong about it i loved her, why is the word feminism so scary?
They were so afraid of the word the class created another word called gender equalist its like ugh
i'm glad i have passion
i'm glad i have views
i'm glad my mind is different
i'm just so happy with the freedom i have right now
Thats it, i know why i love education now
its like a secret, im learning stuff that you guys didnt know
im being taught to teach people to have an open mind
i want to teach people to love love love
think for yourself
ok im going apeshit hippie right now but i dont care
i love that i am a feminist
i love that i am becoming a teacher
i love how i havent found myself yet
i love how i feel in a skirt
i love how i feel with red lipstick
i love how i feel when i get 65 likes on my profile picture
these things are so motivating to me i dont know why
i feel like expression keeps me free
i just want to slap some people sometimes
how they care so much or care so little
its where you put the care i guess
i love being able to draw
i love being called creative and different and funny
i love being mean, being sassy
sometimes i wish i can give people my body, my mind and let them test drive it
i want people to feel the joy i feel, the euphoria i have
when im loud, when i dont give a fuck what people think!! i love it when the attention is on me, i love the thrill, its like performing, i love love it, i love laughing so hard in the car with my mates talking about god knows what that my ears ring. I had that the other day with col & jess, playing 2048, mimicking sex noises in beat that it became a song, smearing the foggy windows and drawing dicks, calling each other cunts
i wish people understood me
i wish i understood people
whats wrong with me?
Middle finger missing so I can not give a fuck - pigs fly - Tyler, the creator